In Person Worship, One Church Street, Wakefield, MA 01880
Sunday Mornings 9:30am
Coffee Hour 10:30am
Zoom Worship Services 11:15am
Join Zoom Meeting
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86287512580?pwd=S3Fuak1TdWRrUjN6QmhXOVh1a09pZz09
We meet every Sunday morning to worship God and to refocus our hearts and minds on His teaching and direction for our lives. This helps us to approach each week with more purpose, wisdom, love, and intentionality.
We also meet because we are friends who are excited to spend time with and encourage one another. The love and care we share in community are part of our worship.
Love. Serve. Share.
Come as you are…and be transformed by Christ’s love.